Waterproof multifunctional field and laboratory instrument CX-401

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  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2680
  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2680
  • Measurement of pH, redox potential, conductivity, salinity, resistance, oxygen in water and air, atmospheric pressure and temperature.
  • HOLD" function
  • Fixed measurement indication "READY"
  • Report of the last 10 calibrations
  • Field and laboratory measurements
  • Clear, illuminated display
  • High accuracy and stability
  • Low weight and dimensions
  • Waterproof housing (IP-66)


The CX-401 waterproof multifunctional field and laboratory instrument enables accurate measurement of pH, redox potential, conductivity, salinity, resistance, oxygen in water and air, atmospheric pressure and temperature.

All the functions of the pH meters, conductivity meters and oxygen meters of the 400 series are included in the instrument with minimised dimensions.

The device has two types of power supply (battery or 12V power supply) to enable field and laboratory operation.

All measurement functions are characterised by high accuracy and stability.

The instruments allow:
- accurate pH measurement over the entire measuring range
- precise determination of redox potential
- determination of conductivity of redistilled water and highly saline liquids
- exact conversion of conductivity into salinity in NaCl or KCl over a wide range
- simplified determination of TDS by means of conductivity measurement
- Possibility of changing the reference temperature
- measurement of atmospheric pressure
- Oxygen concentration measurement with automatic calculation of the effects of atmospheric pressure and salinity, making work particularly easy
- Temperature measurement over a wide range
- Possibility of measuring the electrical permittivity of tree seedlings (with a special sensor)
- storage of 200 results individually or in series in the internal memory with temperature, time and date
- optional extended memory for up to 450 or 950 results
- data can be transferred to a PC or printed out using an adaptor

The uniformity of operations across all measurement functions makes operation easier.
The conductivity meter is CE marked and approved by the Central Office of Weights and Measures, and was awarded the Gold Medal at EUROLAB 2002.

Technical specifications:

Functions pH mV Conductivity /
O2 (mg/l) O2 (%) Temperature
Range -2,000 ÷ 16,000 pH ±1999,9 mV 0 ÷ 1999,9 mS/cm
(autorange) /
0 ÷ 239 g/l KCl
0 ÷ 296 g/l NaCl
0 ÷ 60 mg/l 0 ÷ 600 %,
in air
0 ÷ 100%
-50,0 ÷ 199,9 °C
(± 1 cyfra)
±0,002 pH* ±0,1 mV* do 19.99 mS/cm ±0,1 %*
od 20 mS/cm: ±0,25 %*
salinity ±2 %
±0,01 mg/l* ±0,1 %* ±0,1 °C**
Temp. compensation -5 ÷ 110 °C - -5 ÷ 70 °C 0 ÷ 40 °C 0 ÷ 40 °C -
Impedance of inputs >1012Ω >1012Ω - - - -
Factor α - - 0,00 ÷ 10,00 %/°C - - -
Constant K - - 0,010 ÷ 19,999 cm-1 - - -
Resistance range: 0.500 Ωcm ÷ 200 MΩcm, accuracy ±2% of measured valu
Atmospheric pressure. 800 ÷ 1100 hPa, accuracy ±2 hPa
Power supply 2xAA rechargeable batteries 1.2 V, USB power adapter 5 V / 1000 mA
Weight 260 g
Dimensions L = 149mm, W = 62 mm, H = 22 mm




Model Parameter Temp. Max [° C]
CX-401 pH, mV, conductivity/salinity, O2, temperature 199