pH portable meters
FiveGo™ F2 meters
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Temperature [° C]: 0–100
Accuracy: 0,01/±0,01
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SevenGo Duo™ meters
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Measurement range: 0.00-14.00 pH
Temp. Max [° C]: 105
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SevenGo Duo Pro™ meters
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Temp. Max [° C]: 130
Resolution of indications [° C]: pH: 0.1/DO: 0.1, pH/mV: 0.1/conductivity: 0.1 , pH: 0.1 DO: 0.1
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CyberScan multi-parameter portable meters
Producer: Thermo Scientific
Temperature [° C]: 0,0 to 100,0 ° C , -10,0 to 110,0 ° C
Description: -2 to 16,00 pH, 0,00 to 14,00 pH
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Multi-parameter portable pH/Cond 3320 meter
Producer: WTW
Description: -2.000 - 19.999 pH
Other: -2500 to 2500 mV
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pH/Oxi 340i multi-parameter portable meters
Producer: WTW
Parameter: pH, mV, 02, p02, oC
Temperature [° C]: -5,00 to 105,00
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Multi 340i multi-parameter portable meters
Producer: WTW
Parameter: pH. mV, O2, pO2, X, Sal, oC
Temperature [° C]: -5,0 to 105,0
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Multi 3320 multi-parameter portable meters
Producer: WTW
Parameter: pH, mV, ION, O2, pO2, X, Sal, oC
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Portable pH meter 1120 IP66, Ex version
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Parameter: pH, mV,
Accuracy: <0.01 pH / <0.1 % o.m. ±0.3 mV
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Portable pH meter 1140 bi-directional RS232 communication, Ex version
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Parameter: pH, mV
Accuracy: <0.01 pH / <0.1 % o.m. ±0.3 mV
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Portable pH meter Pro2Go
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Parameter: pH, mV, temperatura
Measurement range: -2 do 20 pH
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Waterproof multifunctional field and laboratory instrument CX-401
Producer: Elmetron
Parameter: pH, mV, conductivity/salinity, O2, temperature
Temp. Max [° C]: 199
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Acidity tester for soil
Producer: Draminski
Parameter: pH, mV, temperature
Temp. Max [° C]: 130
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FiveGo™ F3 meters
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Temperature [° C]: 0,0 to 100
Accuracy: ±0,5%
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FiveGo™ F4 meters
Producer: Mettler Toledo
Temperature [° C]: 0,0 to 50,0
Accuracy: 0,1 / ±1%
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Pocket pH ORP meter
Producer: Milwaukee
Battery life: approx. 300 hours of use, approx. 1500 hours of use
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MW PRO portable pH meter
Producer: Milwaukee
Accuracy: ±0,2 pH, ±0,02 pH, ±0,02 pH/±0,5°C, ±5 mV
Battery life: approx. 300 h
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Portable SD 305 pH/ORP meter
Producer: Lovibond
Description: pH / Redox / Temp.
Parameter: pH -2 – 16 / Redox -2000,0 – 2000,0 mV / Temp. -5 - 150 ° C, pH -2 – 16 / Redox -1999.9 - 1999.9 mV / Temp. -5 - 150 ° C
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Portable pH meter Testo 205
Producer: Testo
Measurement range: FROM 0 TO +60 °C - NTC /FROM 0 TO 14 pH - ELECTRODE
Scale: 135 g
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Portable pH meter 206 - pH1 and pH2
Producer: Testo
Measurement range: FROM 0 TO 14 pH / FROM 0 TO +60 °C
Work scope [° C]: FROM 0 TO +60 , FROM 0 TO 60
The pH meters are laboratory devices very widely used in everyday work, in any laboratory. pH meters make it possible to measure the activity of hydrogen ions in water-based solutions, showing its acidic or basic character in a unit of pH. This type of laboratory equipment bases its measurement on the difference in electrical potential between a pH electrode and a reference electrode. The pH meter is an indispensable tool for various types of laboratories and in the field during routine work such as testing the pH of wastewater, water bodies, soil and many other places. The PH meter, thanks to its design, measures the voltage between two electrodes and immediately displays the result, which indicates the corresponding pH value. The device consists of an electronic amplifier and a pair of electrodes and a display, portable devices can be additionally equipped with a rugged portable case and a set of sachets, so that it will be easy to calibrate the device just before the actual measurement in the field. To test a solution with a pH meter, electrodes or probes are inserted into the liquid vessel or directly into the medium to be measured. A very important aspect is the design of the electrodes and the electrolyte filling the electrodes. Among pH meters, we distinguish between stationary meters and portable (field) devices, as well as devices that can measure pH in a continuous flow manner. It is the duty of every laboratory technician to calibrate the device before each use and measurement. This step is very important because a glass electrode does not give repeatable and reliable results without performing a one- or two-point calibration. One-point calibration is performed in cases where one cares about getting an approximate pH value, while according to good laboratory practice, proper calibration should be performed on at least two standard buffer solutions that cover the range of pH values to be measured. Prices of pH meters vary depending on the complexity of their design and the accuracy with which they work. Portable, pocket-sized devices can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, looking like a larger flasher. In our offer, in addition to pH meters, you will find a whole range of buffer solutions both in disposable sachets and bottles of various capacities. The pH values of the buffer solutions offered by our company are: 1.09, 2.00, 3.06, 4.01, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 11.00, 12.00.The company offers pH meters that allow not only the measurement of pH values, but also allow the reading of temperature, redox potential, ORP, ion concentration, TDS, conductivity as well as dissolved oxygen. The pH meters are designed to be easy to use, practical and highly accurate. They are used for many laboratory experiments such as quality control, also it is possible to monitor parameters stationary, but they are also ideal for field work. With the help of pH meters we can test ultrapure water, pure water, domestic or chemical wastewater, various pastes, food products such as meat, cold cuts, cheese, and we even have pH meters for soil pH testing. In addition, it allows you to measure the pH in cosmetic products that have trace amounts of water. There are also pH meters for so-called special tasks, working in harsh environments and with biological microenvironments. We encourage you to take advantage of our very wide range of pH meters. We strive to ensure that our offer includes only very good devices from reputable and proven companies, which will allow you to work undisturbed for a long time.