

  • Circular Polarimeter

    Circular Polarimeter

    Producer: Kruess

    Nr CAT:

    • iso-9001-copy
    • shape-2601
    • shape-2680

    Measurement range [o]: 0-180 °

    Accuracy: 0,05 °

  • Digital Polarimeters 8000 Series

    Digital Polarimeters 8000 Series

    Producer: Kruess

    Nr CAT:

    • iso-9001-copy
    • shape-2601
    • shape-2680

    Parameter: ± 90 °  ± 259 ° Z Concentration [g/100 ml]

A polarimeter is an optical instrument used to determine the degree of torsion of optically active substances, that is, substances whose molecules twist the plane of polarization of light. After calibration of the device, the polarimeter can be used directly to measure the concentration of optically active substances. The polarimeter can also be used to determine the composition of mixtures of enantiomers. Two enantiomers twist polarized light in opposite directions, and some enantiomers can form right- and left-handed crystal forms. Other than that, all physical properties and the vast majority of chemical properties are almost identical for both enantiomers. A polarimeter is constructed of a mirror that directs light into the instrument, a filter that transmits yellow light, a polarizer, a half-shade instrument, a tube containing the liquid or solution under test, an analyzer connected to a protractor and a telescope. The polarimeter is usually equipped with an additional magnifying glass to increase the precision of the angle reading. Polarimeters can be very simple devices that are also often used by educational institutions - circular polarimeters, which are often used for "training" experiments such as sucrose inversion. The circular polarimeter measures optical rotation according to the half-shadow principle, and the measurement results are easily read through the eyepiece. We offer temperature-controlled automatic polarimeters of the 8000 series from the renowned German company Kruess. These polarimeters, thanks to the manufacturer's patented measurement procedure in an incredibly short period of time, allow measurements to be made with very high accuracy. Thanks to the use of a Peltier thermostat, it is possible to control the temperature of the sample with very high accuracy. The temperature measurement takes place directly inside the sample and it is fast and very precise. Polarimetric measurements are extremely important in many fields of industry, on the measured value very often depend the entire technological processes, their course and the next steps of the sometimes complicated procedure. Very simple circular polarimeters can be purchased for as little as a few thousand zlotys, while automatic polarimeters are an expense of tens or even hundreds of thousands of zlotys in the most sophisticated version. It should be remembered that sales and after-sales service is also extremely important. Our company has been offering specialized equipment, training, and performing warranty and post-warranty service for a wide range of specialized equipment for more than a dozen years.