
Bacterial colony counters

  • Automatic bacterial colony counters

    Automatic bacterial colony counters

    Automatic bacterial colony counters allow fast and efficient counting of colonies on a variety of substrates, which can be configured very differently....

  • Manual bacterial colony counters

    Manual bacterial colony counters

    Manual bacterial colony counters are safe devices used for economical counting of bacterial and bacteriophage colonies grown on Petri dishes....


Bacterial colony counter is a device used for microbiological evaluation, as an instrumental method to determine the number of bacteria in the material under study. The device can operate based on two modes-automatic or semi-automatic counting. Colony counters are used in the fields of food microbiology and the environmental field using PCA, VRBG or MRS media. Through the use of software, it is possible to quickly transfer information to a computer in various file formats. These devices can analyze all sizes of petri dishes from a diameter of only 55mm to 150mm when working with round petri dishes and for square petri dishes in 120mm size. We can capture up to 7 color shades of bacterial colonies on a single plate, and the white LED light does not produce reflections or shadows. Advanced software balances the brightness and contrast of the image optimally allowing up to 6 different combinations of lighting and background.We offer incredibly modern and technologically advanced devices, yet simple to use. Bacterial colony counters provide very high accuracy of measurement and repeatability of results. The devices allow data export in the form of Excel™, PDF, jpg, xls files and can be connected to the LIMS system controlling the laboratory.Manual counters have significantly fewer additional features than automatic and semi-automatic counters, while their price is significantly different from that of advanced devices. They are equipped with LED lighting, the ability to use the so-called "dark field" and a port for data export, such as USB, which allows data transfer without the need for specialized software. In manual bacterial colony counters, due to the need for the operator to work with the device for a longer period of time, it is very common to find solutions that facilitate work in one position - a stable hand rest. Bacterial colony counters with manual counting are also adapted to different sizes of petri dishes, and the counting range can be up to several thousand CFU. Such counters have so-called counting beacons with different levels of sound intensity.Also available for sale are completely manual bacterial colony counters with a knob for zeroing and a counting button indicating values from 0 to 9999. Such counters are usually additionally equipped with a finger ring that allows the counter to be held comfortably in the hand.Depending on the number of measurements and their rank, a given microbiology laboratory can use very simple solutions - manual at a price of even a few tens of zlotys per device, through semi-automatic solutions, where the counting process itself is carried out by a human, up to very high-tech solutions, where the device itself distinguishes bacterial colonies, counts them and exports them to the computer.