Testo 623 thermohygrometer with fixed sensors

Choose Models for offer request


  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • bad_wlasc
  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • bad_wlasc
  • Holder for hanging or standing
  • Temperature and humidity measurement
  • Large, easy to read display
The testo 623 hygrometer is designed to measure temperature and also humidity. This device allows quick readings at any time. Measurements are made on the fly, without complex analysis on the computer. The kit includes the testo 623 thermohygrometer, a bracket for hanging on the wall or desk, batteries and a factory calibration protocol.

Technical specification testo 623

Measurement range temperature [°C]

-10 to +60 °C

Accuracy [°C]


Resolution [°C]


Measurement range humidity  [%RH]

0 to 100 

Accuracy  [%RH]

±2 %RH + 1 digit at +25 °C (10 to 90 %RH)

±3 %RH rest of the range

Resolution [%RH]


Dimensions [mm]

185 x 105 x 36 

Weight [g] 240
Model Parameter
testo 623 humidity, temperature

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