Glass thermometers
Glass thermometers
Producer: KWT
Temperature [° C]: -20 to +60°C, -45 to +20°C, +50 to +200°C, 0 to +360°C, -1 to +175°C, +60 to +110°C, +40 to +260°C, +190 to +410°C, -30 to +170°C, +100 to +300°C, 0 to +60°C, +40 to +110°C, -38 to +42°C, +25 to +1-5°C, +90 to +170°C, -30 to +60°C, -80 to +60°C, -80 to +20°C, 0 to +300°C, 0 to +400°C
Accuracy: 0.5°C , 1.0 °C , 1.0°C , 0.2°C , 0.2 °C
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Laboratory thermometers with replaceable ground
Producer: KWT
Temperature [° C]: -60 to 360oC
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A glass thermometer otherwise known as a liquid thermometer is a device that allows the measurement of temperature by measuring the density of a liquid. The thermometer consists of a liquid reservoir, which is connected by a glass capillary, inside which an inert gas is placed above the liquid. A scale placed along the capillary allows the temperature to be read. The thermostatic liquid used in our thermometers is mercury and toluene. The working range of glass thermometers depends strictly on the substance used. Mercury thermometers work at temperatures from -30 to +350oC, while thermometers with toluene work from -80oC to +100oC. The scale of our laboratory thermometers increases in 1oC increments, while over 300oC in 2oC increments.