
  • Thermohygrometer Termikplus

    Thermohygrometer Termikplus

    Producer: Termoprodukt

    Nr CAT:

    • iso-9001-copy
    • shape-2601
    • bad_wlasc

    Temperature [° C]: -30°C to 70°C

    Working conditions: -30°C to 70°C

  • Thermohygrometer RHT 15

    Thermohygrometer RHT 15

    Producer: Termprodukt

    Nr CAT:

    • iso-9001-copy
    • shape-2601
    • bad_wlasc

    Temperature [° C]: -20°C to 60°C

    Working conditions: -20°C to 60°C


Thermohygrometer is a portable instrument for measuring temperature and relative humidity in rooms such as warehouses, cold stores, refrigerators, etc. The measuring element is a top-quality digital temperature and humidity sensor. The sensor is factory calibrated and is characterized by high stability and reliability. The response time of the humidity sensor is less than 4 seconds. The thermohygrometer is made in a special waterproof ABS industrial housing with high mechanical strength. It is resistant to dust, dirt and water. It performs temperature measurement in °C, while humidity measurement in %. It stores minimum and maximum values. Provides extremely accurate measurements.