TR series liquid nitrogen dewars

Choose Models for offer request

  • Lightweight aluminum container with a neck constructed of composite materials
  • Low weight
  • Superbly sealed film in the vacuum space
  • Low evaporation rate
  • Handle
  • Non-pressurized vessel

TR liquid nitrogen containers are made of aluminum. They are great for storing and transporting liquid nitrogen, essential in laboratories.

Technical data:

ALU type 10 20 26 35 60 100
Capacity [L] 12 21 26 34 60 99
Max. pressure [bar] 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
Weight of empty container [kg] 7,5 11 13,5 16 21,5 29,5
Weight of full container [kg] 17,5 28,5 34,5 43 70 110
Overall height [cm] 584 605 670 655 870 986
Diameter [cm] 308 388 388 468 468 510
Daily evaporation rate[l/d] 0,2 0,18 0,2 0,24 0,4 0,55

Available accessories:

Model Symvol Description
zamykany = lockable
A swivel base (height 220mm)
mocowany = fixed
B fixing kit for wivel base
dewars C tilt handle
manometr = gauge
zwór = valve
zacisk DN50 = DN50 clamp
odpowietrznik TR lub przyłącze do dostarcania azotu pod ciśnieniem = TR vent or connction for pressurized nitrogen supply
D DL3 collection unit
dewars E tilt stand
dewars F hose DN10 (1,1 m; 1,5 m; 2,0 m; 3,0 m; 4,0 m)
dewars G1, G2 G1 - transfer rod with nozzle;
G2 - transfer rod without nozzle


Model Capacity Scale Other
Type ALU10 12 L 17,5 kg Diameter 308 mm
Type ALU20 21 L 28,5 kg Diameter 388 mm
Type ALU26 26 L 34,5 kg Diameter 388 mm
Type ALU35 34 L 43 kg Diameter 468 mm
Type ALU60 60 L 70 kg Diameter 468 mm
Type ALU100 99 L 110 kg Diameter 510 mm
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