LabAirTec Green fume hoods

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  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2680
  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2680
  • Reduces energy consumption costs by up to 96%
  • Low utility costs
  • Does not pollute the air
  • Easy to move
  • Wide range of applications
  • Does not require connection to ventilation
  • Easy to use
  • Neutrodine filter technology
  • Filter column
  • Certified to DIN EN 14175-3 and AFNOR NF X 15-211:2009





The LabAIrTec Green fume hood is the first monitored and environmentally friendly fume hood that can be installed anywhere. The fume hood is safe, highly efficient and energy-saving. The unique modular filter column and Neutrodine-patented filtration technology can be widely used in the laboratory for working with both acids and solvents, regardless of their physical state.


LabAirTec Green fume hood features:

- with a miximum energy consumption of 800 kWh/year (run 2600 hours per year) practically does not consume energy
- the cost of use remains very low (the frequency of filter changes is 18 months)
- no exhaust system means no additional installations, less infrastructure, reduced building costc, etc.
- can be placed in a project at any time and requires only a little planning
- is the only fume hood with a filter column that can actually be adapted to current and future applications
- is capable of handling most chemicals normally used in laboratories (solvents, acids, bases...)


What is Neutrodine;s safe filtration technology?

This is a filtration system by which acids, solvents and alkalis can be effectively filtered on the same filter. A 50% increase in retention capacity that ectends the life of the filter, as well as an increased variety or retained particles of most common chemicals such as solvents, acids, bases.



Model Description
LabAirTec Green exhaust-free