Bacterial colony counter SCAN 4000

Choose Models for offer request


  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2686
  • iso-9001-copy
  • shape-2601
  • shape-2686
  • Ultra - HD image resolution,
  • 304L stainless steel housing,
  • Square Petri dish analysis

Scan 4000 is a state-of-the-art automatic counter and inhibition zone. All sizes of petri dishes and media can be analyzed. The illumination system guarantees high operating comfort and high accuracy and repeatability


Technical data

- Capable of analyzing round plates from ø 55 to 150 mm and 120 mm for square petri dishes,
- White LED illumination with diffuse light, no reflections or shadows,
- Counting up to 7 colors in the same dish,
- 6 lighting and background combinations,
- Brightness, contrast and sensitivity automatically optimized by software,
- Automatic separation of confluent colonies,
- Creation of polygonal areas excluded from counting,
- Export data to Excel™, PDF, jpg, xls,
- Reading from 100% of the petri dish area,
- LIMS connectivity.


Model Parameter Other Description
SCAN 4000 Ultra HD color CCD camera Ultra HD lens Petri dish analysis