Biology microscopes

  • DO Evolution

    DO Evolution

    Producer: Delta Optical

    Nr CAT:

    • iso-9001-copy
    • shape-2601
    • shape-2684

    Parameter: Pupil spacing, 55-75 mm, 55-75mm, 50-75 mm, 48-75 mm

    Options: Light source, halogen, LED


Biological microscopes are modern devices commonly used in research, veterinary medicine, bacteriology, immunology, pharmacy and other scientific fields. Our company offers biological microscopes with semi-planachromatic and planachromatic lenses. Biological microscopes can also be divided according to the construction of the head into devices with a binocular head and devices with a trinocular head. The construction of microscopes allows for convenient and comfortable change of tubes during operation. The models we have available have the ability to upgrade the biological microscope with dark field, phase contrast, polarization and fluorescence. The magnification range of the biological microscope varies between 40x and 1000x. Biological microscopes offered by our company have a very ergonomic design for comfortable and convenient work even for many hours. Convenient lever, which simultaneously locks the position of the table in case of achieving an image of the desired parameters, allows you to lower and raise the table in a smooth yet very precise way. When you need to change the slide by lowering the table, you can easily place it back in the plane of focus.It also avoids destroying the slide as a result of careless handling of the coarse motion knob. Biological microscopes are available in two versions of illumination - with halogen or LED-type illumination. LED-type lighting has a much longer life than halogen-type lighting. LED lighting produces a cool white light, while not causing the microscope to heat up, as it emits very little heat. In the case of conducting very long and uninterrupted observations, this is very important, as significant amounts of heat can even damage the sample under study.Biological microscopes offered by our company have the ability to adjust the pupil distance. For convenient and comfortable work, this is very important, since a different pupil spacing may have a petite laboratory lady and a completely different one for a growing tall lab technician. Pupil spacing adjustment is usually in the range of 55 to 75 mm, although there are models whose pupil spacing is 50 mm or even 48 mm. In one of the tubes it is possible to adjust the diopter, so that work even for people with a fairly significant visual impairment is not a problem.In addition to a wide range of microscopes, our offer includes a number of different types of basic and cover slides, which are an essential element when preparing preparations for microscopic observation. Base slides are larger and thicker than cover slips, their function is to provide a base for making a slide and to securely immobilize the slide on the microscope table. Base slides may have a place for describing the slide. Cover slides are made of very thin crystalline glass, are smaller than basic slides and are used to "cover" the slide on the basic slide.We invite you to make inquiries with our company for the purchase of a biological microscope. Our qualified advisors will help you choose the most optimal model, a model that will meet all your needs, will be durable, reliable and financially economical.